Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Some more pictoral inspiration...

Most of these were pictures I took near Chinatown...

Great stuff in dingy places.
A friend's collage in the wall of their apt.
Sometimes the best parts are underneath.

Some pictoral inspirations...

Love this one...found this image of a woman in several random places thru the neighborhood. Awesome!

Junkyard Lion
Lightpoll at dusk

Typography Posters

These first two were sketches for the second two...

These are part two of a 4 stage process for the final product:
I believe the one above was more successful, as did my class
This one above has a good idea I think but no real pizazz or grab.

These were some posters for my Typography Class at SVA

The project was to use certain words and make posters out of them with pictures, ideas and really anything without just stating the word.

sum mo' posters

more "its not me its you" posters